dimanche 17 février 2008


Vendredi dernier, Bill Clinton défendait une fois de plus sa bien aimée, avec en ligne de mire "the Illinois senator" (il n'a pas mentionné son nom une seule fois). Florilège...

"You have one candidate who's made the explicit argument that the only way we can change America is to move into a post-partisan future and therefore we have to eliminate from consideration for the presidency anybody who made good things happen in the '90s or stopped bad things from happening in this decade"

"It doesn't matter how much good you did. [...] We've got to get rid of you because you had to fight to make something good happen. You had to fight to stop something bad from happening. And if you fought, you made somebody mad, we ought to give you an old watch and retire you. You can't possibly make a contribution to America's future"

Selon l'ancien président, le principal argument d'Obama dans la campagne pour l'investiture démocrate, "it's actually an advantage to not have any experience because you've not made anybody mad"...

Puis viens l'argument "universal health care": "It would be truly tragic if the Democratic Party walked away from universal health care for the first time in 60 years when we finally got the business community and the medical community in line behind us"

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